Transforming social services with Gord Tulloch and Sarah Schulman
As dedicated social intrapreneurs, Gord Tulloch and Dr. Sarah Schulman have devoted their careers to supporting marginalized people. Currently Director of Innovation at posAbilities, Gord has performed many roles in the social services, both in system building and system delivery.
Starting smart with Tatiana Tsoir
Anyone who has launched a new venture—or has dreamed of doing so—knows that the hardest part isn’t developing the ideas; it’s developing a solid business plan to support and execute them. Enter Tatiana Tsoir, author, accounting expert, CEO, and founder of Linza Advisors Inc.
Embracing change with Phil Buckley
When it’s time for your company to change things up—whether it’s the way you’re doing business, or the business that you’re in—you want someone like Phil Buckley by your side. As a senior change management professional with over 25 years of experience, Phil has managed 32 large-scale change projects, including co-leading global change management for the $19.6 billion Kraft Foods acquisition of Cadbury.
Finding balance with Joey Remenyi
Joey Remenyi has seen, and experienced, the debilitating effects of tinnitus and persistent vertigo. The vestibular audiologist and neuroplasticity therapist, who has experienced vestibular migraine symptoms, tinnitus, and Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) herself, was tired of hearing healthcare professionals say that the symptoms were untreatable.
In her popular ROCK STEADY course, the founder and director of Seeking Balance International helps sufferers heal their tinnitus or vertigo with the power of neuroplasticity. We are thrilled to be working with Joey as she shares her life-changing tools in her upcoming book ROCK STEADY, out this fall! Read on to learn more about Joey and her holistic approach to healing.
Living and leading with Deena Chochinov
As a clinical counselor, leadership coach, management consultant and family enterprise advisor, Deena Chochinov has a deeper insight than most into what makes us tick. Working with executives, leadership teams, family businesses, and families to navigate a myriad of situations, she’s seen first-hand what works—and what doesn’t—when it comes to finding happiness and success.
Every conversation counts with Riaz Meghji
After years interviewing leaders, athletes, philanthropists, and celebrities in his role as an on-camera broadcaster, Riaz Meghji discovered that the one thing that binds us together is our desire for human connection. And yet, despite our hyper-connected digital world, people are feeling lonelier and more disconnected than ever.
In the driver’s seat with Ed Evarts
As founder and president of Excellius Leadership Development, leadership coach Ed Evarts has spent years helping his clients achieve greater success in their professional lives. And as host of Be Brave@Work, a weekly podcast in which leaders share stories about bravery—or the lack of it—in their careers, he has shared many conversations about how choices impact career progression.
Level up your career with Eric Siu
It’s not often that you hear a successful entrepreneur credit their achievements to time spent playing video games. But gaming is what Eric Siu, founder and investor, says drove him to a rewarding career as a respected marketing leader and host of the podcasts Marketing School with Neil Patel and Growth Everywhere.
Holding Space with Heather Plett
A few years ago, Heather Plett wrote a blog post that resonated across the globe. The viral post described her experience of learning what it means to hold space—the practice of compassionately witnessing, accepting, and supporting someone without judgement—by witnessing how the palliative care nurse cared for her mother in her final days.
Meet the Undercover Millennial, Clint Pulver
Clint Pulver knows a thing or two about what makes a great workplace—he’s travelled the globe as The Undercover Millennial to uncover the magic behind how extraordinary leaders create companies their people never want to leave.
Heather Chauvin on life and motherhood
Heather Chauvin has an important message for all the mothers out there who have put their dreams on hold, or whose ambitions have taken a back seat to the needs of their families: you can—and should—start prioritizing your own desires.
Get empowered with Michelle Cederberg
If there’s one word that captures what our latest Page Two author Michelle Cederberg delivers, it’s “empowerment”. A coach, consultant, and professional speaker, Michelle has spent most of her life in the realm of human performance. In her upcoming fall book, she’ll be sharing her deep insights into what motivates us, drives us, and keeps us focused on our goals.