Starting smart with Tatiana Tsoir

Anyone who has launched a new venture—or has dreamed of doing so—knows that the hardest part isn’t developing the ideas; it’s developing a solid business plan to support and execute them. Enter Tatiana Tsoir, author, accounting expert, CEO, and founder of Linza Advisors Inc., who has devoted her career to helping entrepreneurs and small business owners become more profitable, sustainable, and successful.
In Dream Bold, Start Smart, out in spring 2021, Tatiana will share her insights to help aspiring entrepreneurs take the risk out of their game plan, and set themselves up for success. Read on to learn more about Tatiana and her book.
Which three words best describe you?
Super-smart, passionate, and energetic.
What is your book about?
It’s a how-to guide to be your own boss and make money doing what you love, covering all things money, numbers, and taxes.
Whom do you most admire?
My husband: he is super smart, very chill, strong and confident and isn’t afraid of anything.
What is the last book you read?
Blue Ocean Strategy by Renée Mauborgne and W. Chan Kim.
Who is your favorite author?
Mike Michalowicz.
What is the first thing you do every morning?
Write! I do 6 a.m. writing sprints every weekday.
What is your personal motto?
“Excellence is not an act, but a habit.” —Aristotle
Where do you find inspiration?
In music, ballroom dancing, and nature. Earth is magnificent and so beautiful!