Join us in wishing a very happy birthday to Page Two!
October 3 marks our eighth year in business. To commemorate this special occasion, we asked our fearless co-founders Jesse Finkelstein and Trena White to answer a few questions about their proudest accomplishments, their most beloved memories, and where they intend to steer the company over the next eight years.
Read on for the full interview.
What accomplishments from the past eight years are you most proud of?
J&T: We’re most proud of the exceptional team that we’ve developed. We started the company with just the two of us and now we’re a team of twenty people. Every single one of them is so engaged and talented, and they push the limits of excellence in publishing every day. They’re also hilarious and fun to be with.
We’re also proud of our incredible authors and the success of their books—but as with parents, we don’t play favorites. We’re proud of all of them! In the last year alone, some of the things we’re proud of include
- signing on with Macmillan for US and international sales representation and distribution;
- launching an in-house audiobook production program;
- expanding our bulk sales support and marketing services significantly; and
- establishing an eight-week book development program to help authors shape their book concepts in a structured, supportive way.
What are some of your favorite Page Two memories so far?
J&T: Any time our whole team gets to be together is a highlight because it’s such a fun and dynamic group of people. We all stayed in a retreat center on beautiful Salt Spring Island for the launch of a book a few years ago, which was great fun, and even during the pandemic, we have a lot of laughs at virtual trivia nights and music guessing games. We’ve also had moments of extreme satisfaction in knowing that our authors’ excellent work is having a meaningful impact on the world. For instance, Bob Joseph’s books, 21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act and Indigenous Relations, have contributed to a large-scale public discourse about what reconciliation with Indigenous peoples means, and Michael Bungay Stanier’s books, The Coaching Habit and The Advice Trap, have changed the way leaders around the world approach conversations. We’re in this for the impact.
Trena, what is the most important thing you’ve learned from Jesse over the past eight years?
T: To slow down and consider every angle of a situation before taking action. She has a phenomenal, rational mind balanced with tremendous emotional intelligence—a ferocious combination! I can’t say I’ve mastered this, but I’ll keep trying.
Jesse, what is the best part of being Trena’s co-founder?
J: As a partner, Trena makes every great moment even better, and she makes me feel like every challenge is surmountable. I can’t imagine (and don’t want to imagine) sharing this particular journey with anyone else on earth.
What’s next for Page Two? Are there any key goals you hope to accomplish over the next eight years?
J&T: Right now, we’re focused on diversity and inclusion and we’re looking carefully at how to ensure we practice that as a company, both through the authors we publish and through our team and supplier composition. We’re also working on further expanding our sales and marketing support. Innovation in publishing was a defining principle for us when we founded the company, and it remains that way today. We will continue to stay ahead of developments in the industry, whatever those may be.