Project manager Rony Ganon recently returned to Page Two after a year-long maternity leave. When asked what she missed most during her time away, her answer was short and sweet: the in-office jokes.
“I read that laughing a lot is healthy for the baby, so Page Two was really the best place to be while pregnant,” she said. “Every day without fail, someone or something would make me laugh—sometimes hard enough to fall out of my chair.”
Though unable to take part in the in-person silliness during her mat leave, Rony still stayed connected to the team through the company’s Slack platform—there’s even a channel dedicated to her toddler Noa’s adventures. If you take a stroll through this channel, you’ll be greeted with photos of Noa expertly jailbreaking her baby gate, sporting a spaghetti mustache, and modelling the latest in miniature fashion.

Rony has been with Page Two for a little over three years and has managed a variety of projects during that time, from richly illustrated lifestyle books to bestselling business titles. She came to us with a wealth experience, including a diploma in publishing and a bachelor’s degree in political science and philosophy, but is most affectionately known by staff and authors for her kind heart and enviable organization skills.
“Rony is one of the most efficient and organized people I’ve ever met, and nothing slips past her neatly printed, color-coded to-do lists,” laughs co-founder Trena White. “She combines that with tremendous warmth and caring to make beautiful books, on time.”
Rony is truly an invaluable part of Page Two, bringing a strategic, supportive, and creative approach to everything she does. This skill has enriched the publishing experience of many of Page Two’s clients, including Jeremy Miller (author of Brand New Name, which recently won an Alcuin Society Award for Excellence in Book Design).
“When we worked with Jeremy on his award-winning book, he told us that he wished he had a Rony to manage every part of his working life,” says co-founder Jesse Finkelstein. “Many of our authors feel this way about Rony. She is so supportive, helpful, strategic, organized, and engaged, and she makes our authors (and our team) feel like they couldn’t have pulled anything off without her.”
Rony is currently working one day per week (though juggling the many duties of motherhood all seven) and will return to full-time in the new year. We’re so happy to welcome Rony back to Page Two, and have our fingers and toes crossed for many more years of her warmth, talent, and ridiculously cute Noa photos.