Any movie buff will tell you that there’s nothing quite like the thrill of giving in to a well-crafted movie, one filled with relatable characters, heart-stopping plot twists, and a perfect denouement.
Of course, after the credits roll, it’s back to real life. But what if your own story was filled with the same energy, excitement, and momentum as a Hollywood film? Kristina Paider, screenwriter, entrepreneur, and business strategist, helps speakers, authors, and businesses learn from the Hollywood approach to storytelling to craft their own, captivating big-picture narratives and connect with their audiences and target markets.
We are thrilled to be working with Kristina on The Hollywood Approach—a book that will show you how to conduct your own personal story diagnostic by analyzing popular films, and apply what you learn about your strengths and weaknesses to achieving your next wildest dream.
Kristina’s book will be released early in 2021, but you can learn more about her and her Hollywood Approach by visiting her website. And if you move fast, you could join her in an incredible writer’s retreat in the Dominican Republic. We’re so excited to be helping Kristina share her insights and methodology with the world!