The Surprising Gift of Doubt
Use Uncertainty to Become the Exceptional Leader You Are Meant to Be
You’re a high-performing leader. It’s time to shed the doubt.
Are you the type of leader who’s hit milestone after milestone in your career? People look to you for direction. They see you as a model of success. But you don’t. You’re nagged by a voice accusing you of just making it up as you go along. Where does this doubt come from? And is it even possible to shake this uncertainty?
In The Surprising Gift of Doubt, leadership expert Marc A. Pitman shows you how imposter syndrome is actually a signal that you are on the verge of greatness. Here you’ll find the same assessments, exercises, and self-management tools he uses to help his high-powered clients achieve their dreams. He shows you how to harness those uncomfortable feelings to develop a rare level of leadership mastery.
You will emerge from this leader’s journey of self-discovery more sure-footed, courageous, and self-assured. The challenges of leadership will remain, but you’ll be able to meet them with an unshakable inner confidence. An inner confidence that matches the image others have had of you all along.
“A generous book with a breakthrough approach to thinking about how and why we lead. Marc Pitman will help you realize that leadership is a choice, it’s a skill, and it’s open to each of us.”
“It’s doubt that cracks open the seed and allows in humility and compassion, curiosity and possibilities. But don’t doubt that this book will help you become a far better leader.”
“Marc Pitman deftly and confidently leads readers through the hard, necessary work of understanding themselves and the unique contributions they can make both in their organizations and their personal lives.”
“A powerful operating manual that will help you tap into the greatness inside of you and truly empower others.”
“Lots of people like to talk about leadership, but to actually lead is a different matter. This book cuts through the clutter of fads and catchphrases and shows you the way of a true leader, the way of integrity. If you want to be better, don’t miss this important message.”
“In The Surprising Gift of Doubt, Marc Pitman offers a must-read road map for leadership that focuses on embracing doubt as a catalyst for change and building confidence. Marc shows us how to move beyond traditional leadership practices and unlock our organizations’ full potential by bringing emotional intelligence to the forefront.”
$19.95 CAD • $15.95 USD
Published March 23, 2021
Paperback, ebook