Drive Your Career

9 High-Impact Ways to Take Responsibility for Your Own Success

Ed Evarts

Take the wheel and steer toward success!

You’re ambitious, talented, and ready to take your career to the next level. It’s time to step into the driver’s seat and set a path for success, with this illuminating guide from leadership coach Ed Evarts.

You’ll learn the nine principles of career success, and how to implement them in your own working life. From creating great relationships with your superiors, to using the power of empathy in your employee interactions, you’ll be empowered with the knowledge and personal insight to steer your career to where you want it to be.

Find out:

  • How to create a positive relationship with your boss
  • The essential questions you need to ask yourself
  • The power of curiosity
  • How to deliver more effective presentations
  • The most important relationships to cultivate at work
  • How slowing down can get you to your goals faster
  • How to lead with empathy

Filled with real-life examples and practical exercises, Drive Your Career will give you a clear sense of where you are now, what may be holding you back, and how to get to where you want to go. If you have a vision for yourself and you’re struggling to get there, don’t stay sitting in the passenger’s seat. Grab the steering wheel and start driving your career.


“In this time of uncertainty and change, taking responsibility for your own success is more important than ever. Skillfully navigating interpersonal challenges is the prerequisite for progress on the professional path. Ed Evarts has expertly mapped out this terrain. Drawing on decades of real-world coaching wisdom, Drive Your Career blends stories, insights, and tools into a guide that’s as enjoyable to read as it is practical to apply.”

Drive Your Career provides you with actionable steps to take charge of your own career and accelerate your professional growth. In a world of constant change, where careers take on many shapes and forms, having a resource like this gives you the practical tools needed to navigate your way to success. It’s the perfect book for anyone who takes their career planning seriously. In fact, I wish I had it at the start of my own career!”

“Ed Evarts is a master at transforming a complex problem into something so much simpler. Every day I embrace his words of wisdom. ‘It’s the hand you’ve been dealt, Joe, what do you want to do—fold, bluff, or take action?’ And try ‘the power of pause.’ Drive Your Career is filled with ideas that really work!”

Drive Your Career is a great way to explore how to be more of a leader in your own career. Often, we don’t take the time and steps to ensure we are following a pathway that helps us. In my work with Ed Evarts, we have touched on a number of these ideas and I would recommend them all. Even if you only read a few of them, your likelihood of making progress in your career development is significantly enhanced.”


Ed Evarts is the founder and president of Excellius Leadership Development, a Boston-based coaching organization. Ed is the author of Raise Your Visibility & Value: Uncover the Lost Art of Connecting on the Job and the host of Be Brave@Work, a weekly podcast in which leaders share stories about bravery—or the lack of it—in their careers, and the impact their choices have had on their career progression.

Ed is a past president of the International Coach Federation of New England, the fifth-largest coaching affiliation group in the United States.

ISBN 978-1-7345004-0-0
$19.95 CAD $14.95 USD
Published September 22, 2020
5.5 × 8.5 162 Pages
Paperback, ebook, audiobook