The Scientifically Proven, Ketogenic Way to Lose Weight and Improve Your Health
Think you’re eating healthy? Think again.
For the past forty years, we have been slowly eating ourselves to death—and doing so based on government recommendations about what constitutes a healthy diet. This low-fat, high-carbohydrate grand experiment has led to epidemic increases in obesity and other chronic conditions, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and Alzheimer’s.
It’s time to hit the reset button. In BioDiet, Health educator and researcher Dr. David G. Harper offers a new, scientifically validated approach: a low-carbohydrate, high-fat, ketogenic plan that works with the body’s natural processes to improve health and reverse decades of damage caused by our collective carbohydrate addiction. BioDiet isn’t a “diet” in the usual sense: it’s not a quick fix designed to help shed ten pounds before beach season. Drawing on the latest research in nutritional science, BioDiet is a lifestyle that will leave you healthier and happier. No hype or gimmicks: it’s what the science says.
“BioDiet is a masterful combination of both the background science and how-to of the ketogenic diet. It is a perfect entrée for someone starting on their low-carb journey.”
“BioDiet is at once a scientific, yet easily understandable and empowering guide to learn how you can take control of your health destiny. Dr. David G. Harper and Dale Drewery have the rare gift of being able to write on a level that both engages and informs the public and healthcare professionals alike.”
“In BioDiet, Dr. Harper does a great job explaining how to reverse disease and lose weight, using food as medicine. He also shows how to make this a lifestyle with a practical plan that is easy to follow.”
“Dr. David G. Harper has combined what he’s learned from his personal journey to improved health through dieting with his training in human physiology to produce a book that informs and guides anyone who wants to benefit from a similar experience. He explains, in simple terms, the complex biological mechanisms that are involved when we succumb to chronic disease, and how diet change can have a profound healing effect. Over the past decade, there has been an explosive growth in scientific research on the benefits of a ketogenic diet. BioDiet is the culmination of that knowledge in a format that is accessible and user-friendly, and will be of significant benefit to anyone who follows the diet plan.”
$19.95 CAD • $14.95 USD
Published May 7, 2019
Paperback, ebook