As an award-winning Trinity University professor, author, and executive coach, Amer Kaissi would be forgiven for letting his impressive accomplishments and accolades go to his head. But as a researcher of leadership, he’s embraced the mindset that is the focus of his forthcoming book, Humbitious (January 2022)—humility coupled with ambition.
We are thrilled to be partnering with Amer to release this game-changing book into the world and help spread his message about the unmatched power of low-ego, high-drive leadership to create change and drive success. Read on to learn more about Amer and his fascinating insights.
Which three words best describe you?
Teacher, compassionate, non-judgemental.
What is your book about?
Humbitious is about how being humble and ambitious creates a powerful combination for leaders striving to make a lasting impact. Humility keeps our feet on the ground by having an accurate assessment of our own abilities, while ambition makes us reach for the stars by believing in our own greatness.
What is the last book you read ?
Never Split the Difference by Chris Voss, a book about negotiations. What I enjoyed the most about it is that it argues that empathy and listening are the most important aspects of negotiating effectively with others.
Who is your favorite author?
Ryan Holiday, author of Ego is the Enemy, Stillness is the Key, and more. I love his ability to apply ancient wisdom to modern real-life situations, and his concise and direct style of writing.
What is your personal motto?
Be kind whenever possible. And it’s always possible.
When do you do your best writing?
Between 7am and 10am at my favorite coffee shop, drinking a cappuccino and listening to Lebanese Oud music through my earphones.
What are your favorite pastimes?
Traveling with my family, watching European soccer, and running while listening to podcasts about European soccer.
Where do you find inspiration?
I find inspiration in conversations with the executives I coach, in which they share what challenges they are dealing with. Those conversations help me decide what I want to focus my writing on.