Rave Reviews and a Riotous Launch for Sonja Larsen’s Red Star Tattoo

Feb 22, 2016
Topics: News

sonjalarsen_webLast month, Page Two principals Jesse Finkelstein and Trena White attended the Vancouver launch of client Sonja Larsen’s Red Star Tattoo: My Life as a Girl Revolutionary.

As the photos below demonstrate, the launch was a huge success. The room was packed with excited readers, friends, and family, all anxious to witness the young writer’s mesmerizing reading, congratulate her on her successes — including an early, glowing review in The Globe and Mail – and have their books signed.

In keeping with the memoir’s revolutionary atmosphere, the event also featured a choir of friends singing traditional labour songs as well as flags made from Sonja’s old manuscripts, which decorated the room.

A wealth of positive reviews and media coverage for the book followed the event and continue to appear in outlets across Canada—from reviews in The National Post (“A triumphant affirmation of the story teller’s art”) and Toronto Star (“an eloquent, stranger-than-fiction memoir”) to interviews with CBC Radio, TVO The Agenda, Global Television, and much, much more.

One of our first clients we signed through our relationship with Transatlantic Agency, Trena White worked with Sonja for over two years before her book released with Random House Canada in January 2016. An author near and dear to our hearts, we couldn’t be more delighted in her many literary accomplishments. Congratulations, Sonja!


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From hardscrabble Milwaukee to dreamy Hawaii, from turbulent Montreal to free-spirited California, Red Star Tattoo is Sonja Larsen’s unforgettable memoir of a young life spent on the move. For more information about the book, visit Random House Canada.