Leading the way with John Parker Stewart and Daniel J. Stewart

You could say that, for the Stewart family, leadership is a family affair. Over forty years ago, executive development expert, leadership coach, and team performance consultant John Parker Stewart founded Stewart Leadership, a human capital development firm whose roster of clients includes Chevron, General Motors, NASA, and the U.S. Air Force, among many others.
John’s son, Daniel J. Stewart, inherited his father’s passion for leadership development, pursuing a Masters in Organizational Development before going on to lead organizational change and leadership projects for clients including JetBlue and Kohl’s Department Stores. Seven years ago, Daniel joined Stewart Leadership as president, alongside his brother, Peter, the firm’s managing partner.
We are thrilled to be working with John and Daniel on a revised and updated edition of LEAD NOW! (Fall 2021), a handbook for tackling leadership challenges, based on their award-winning LEAD NOW! Leadership Development Model. Read on to learn more about John and Daniel, and their passion for developing leadership!
Which three words best describe you?
John Parker Stewart: Focused, Genuine, Trustworthy.
Daniel J. Stewart: Practical, Organized, Action-Oriented.
What is your book about?
JPS: The purpose of LEAD NOW! is to help potential and current leaders learn and polish their leadership skills, methods, and tools so they can: 1. promote their own effectiveness; 2. enhance their professional relationships with their direct reports, peers, supervisors, and customers; and 3. benefit their organization’s results and culture.
DJS: It’s about giving busy leaders practical, proven, and straightforward tools so they can be their best every day.
What is the last book you read?
JPS: Atomic Habits by James Clear. It clearly explains how we can build stronger habits in a practical and timely way by focusing on small improvements over time.
DPS: I just finished reading Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir. It is the first sci-fi novel I’ve read, and I loved the clever problem-solving throughout the entire book.
Who is your favorite author?
JPS: John Grisham. He tells a captivating story that quickly grips me, and this makes long plane flights seem shorter.
DJS: There are so many to choose from. My current favorite fiction author is Louise Penny, for her Armand Gamache murder mystery series—the writing is fantastic! My current non-fiction favorite is Katy Milkman, for her recent How to Change. She is so good at distilling research into action.
Standing or sitting desk?
JPS: Sitting desk.
DJS: Gotta have a little bit of both!
What is your personal motto?
JPS: “It’s all about relationships!”
DJS: “Onward!”
Where do you find inspiration?
JPS: From my God, my wife, nature, and travel.
DJS: From people who can work hard while still honoring and caring about their family.