Getting fit for leadership with Rebecca Macieira-Kaufmann and Lillian So

When you’re run off your feet with work, it can be hard to find time to take care of your health, especially if you’re also dealing with the demands of family life. Multinational CEO Rebecca Macieira-Kaufmann and transformational fitness and life coach Lillian So are determined to inspire busy leaders to nurture their minds, spirits, and bodies as much as they nurture their businesses and careers.
We’re pumped to be publishing Rebecca and Lillian’s guide to holistic health, FitCEO: Be the Leader of Your Life, this fall. In FitCEO, they share valuable tips, strategies, and exercises for leading a happier, healthier, and more balanced life.
Read on to learn more about Rebecca and Lillian, and what moves them!
Which three words best describe you?
RMK: Passionate, Driven, Energetic
LS: Determined, Radical, Effective
What is your book about?
It’s about being the leader of your life—physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. We draw on our collective experience as a leader/CEO of multinational businesses, and a transformational fitness and life coach. The book provides a framework and lessons for staying healthy while leading a busy life at work and home.
What is the last book you read?
RMK: The CEO Test, by Adam Bryant and Kevin Sharer. It is a great review of many leaders and how they manage to have a simple plan, inspire their teams, drive a healthy culture and manage the seemingly contradictory demands on them as leaders.
LS: Driven by Douglas Brackmann and Randy Kelley. I enjoyed learning how the driven show up in the world, and seeing all the similarities in myself and my clients—and how we are truly a little nutty….in a good way 🙂
Who is your favorite author?
RMK: There are too many to pick just one! But I love Alice In Wonderland. I love all the dimensions, symbols, metaphors, and sheer fun of the adventure.
LS: Danielle LaPorte because, to be honest, reading her books feels like I wrote them myself, LOL.
What is the best advice you have ever received?
RMK: I have received lots of great advice. One of my favorites is: “Be a duck.”
LS: “Pay yourself first.” And it came from Rebecca!
How do you like to unwind?
RMK: Dancing, reading, walking, and talking with a friend.
LS: Journaling and gratitude practice.
What is your personal motto?
RMK: Live life!
LS: There’s more where that came from. We’re just getting started.
Where do you find inspiration?
RMK: All around! In nature, in family, in work, in friends, in books. I literally feel surrounded by inspiration!
LS: In my vision, my goal, my clients, beautiful places and things.