Get curious with Catherine Harrison

Sep 14, 2020

As a multi-disciplinary artist as well as a certified professional coach, expert facilitator, and behavior-change specialist, Catherine Harrison brings an open-minded attitude and curiosity to everything she does, whether it’s providing strategic guidance to corporate clients or performing an original song.

We are thrilled to be working with Catherine on a book that shares her insights about living a fully connected, creative, and fulfilling life.

Read on to learn more about Catherine and her fall 2020 release.

Which three words best describe you?
Inquisitive, action-oriented, sleepy.

What is your book about?
It’s about how genuine curiosity and open-mindedness can lead to incredible life experiences; how everything and everyone is fundamentally connected; and how what happens to us is not really as important as we think it is—yet it can be deeply profound if we choose to honestly explore it.

What is the last book you read?
I always have at least two books on the go! Depending on my momentary state of mind, I reach for the one that best fits my mood. I recently finished The Testaments by Margaret Atwood, Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics by Dan Harris and Jeff Warren, Reckless by Chrissie Hynde, and Depression: The Comedy by Jessica Holmes.

Who is your favorite author?
A few that immediately come to mind include Gabriel García Márquez, Margaret Atwood, Richard Wagamese, Paul Quarrington, Nick Hornby, Elizabeth Gilbert—plus a thousand others.

What always makes you laugh?
My own absurdity. And hanging out with my family (including the creatures).

What is your personal motto?
“Connect, create, communicate.”

Where do you find inspiration?
Everywhere! Open your eyes and ears and heart and mind, and wow! There’s so much to explore and learn from and participate in and contribute to.