5 Questions to Unleash Your Company's Hidden Power
You CAN change your business destiny.
From a veteran technology executive comes an essential toolkit to reveal exactly where your company’s true value lies—and how to reap its rewards.
Over his thirty years as an executive in the technology sector, Matt Hulett has become the go-to company fixer. From RealNetworks to Rosetta Stone to Expedia, he has steered start-ups and large companies into renewed areas for growth and driven more than $2 billion in value creation. Now, he shares five key questions that will uncover new insight into your business’s potential—without the need for a lengthy and costly strategic planning process.
Through real-life examples, personal stories, and insights from thought leaders and CEOs, Hulett guides you through the steps of taking a deep dive into your company’s pivot potential. He shows you how to take stock of your business, from your company’s alignment to market trends and your supply chain position, to your value proposition for customers, to your ability to raise capital.
Along the way, you’ll begin to identify where your true potential lies, and map out a plan to capitalize on it. With expert advice on assessing industry shifts, valuable insights on leading teams, and tips for raising money and pitching investors, Hulett shows you exactly where to look, and what you need to find, in order to map out a new future for you and your company.
“Turning around a stalled company is one of the hardest tasks in business. But Matt Hulett knows how to do it—and now he’s here to teach the rest of us. This book will help any leader shed entrenched thinking and bring fresh insight to their work.”
“There’s nobody better than Matt Hulett to teach business leaders how to turn around a company. His framework is an insightful and efficient way to determine the potential of a business and then move it from stagnation to success. This exceptional and efficient book should be on the desk or e-reader of every executive.”
“From early-stage startups to large public companies, and consumer businesses to B2B enterprises, Matt Hulett presents a prolific guide full of helpful information to assess and position your company for success. Read this book—and learn from one of the best!”
“Unlock isn’t just about thinking outside of the box—it is about breaking out of the box. Go for it! Cerebral and practical, Unlock will shake up your approach and focus your efforts on true value creation.”
“I’ve served on Matt Hulett’s board, competed with him, and count him as a highly trusted consigliere. He is thoughtful, and the wisdom he used to impart only to a small circle is now available to everyone. Read this book and you will be armed with the wisdom and tools to turn around any company.”
“Matt Hulett is recognized in the technology ecosystem as a proven turnaround leader. His many experiences give him unique insight which he graciously shares in this book. Unlock is a playbook anyone can use.”
$30.00 CAD • $26.00 USD
Published May 17, 2022
hardcover, ebook, audiobook