Speak-Up Culture
When Leaders Truly Listen, People Step Up
If you listen, they will speak
We know the impacts of poor leadership: lackluster performance, missed opportunities, deleterious cultures, and, in some cases, disaster. While these issues are all too common, leaders also possess an immense opportunity. They can create a speak-up culture, one in which people feel it is both safe and worth it to share their ideas, concerns, disagreements, and even mistakes—all for the betterment of the organization.
Speak-Up Culture is for leaders at all levels―from senior executives who believe in putting people and purpose first; to mid-level supervisors who wish to lead better and nurture the voice of their people; to aspiring leaders who want to uncover their strengths and better provide support to those in their span of care. All these leaders share a common desire to know a better way to behave as a leader. They want to operate in a team and culture where people are engaged and willingly speak up, for the success of the whole organization.
Stephen Shedletzky has focused his career on helping leaders listen to and nurture the voices of others—to foster an environment where people feel heard and that they, their opinion, and their contributions matter. Speak-Up Culture shows you how creating such an environment is the responsibility and the advantage of every leader who wants to be great at leading, and who wants to create a better version of humanity while they do. Because the bottom line is that organizations with speak-up cultures are safer, more innovative, more engaged, and better-performing than their peers.
“Important topic, thoughtfully developed. Beautifully written. Speak-Up Culture is practical, engaging, and wise. A must-read for any leader who wants to cultivate the psychological safety required for people to speak up.”
“The first step to creating the kind of psychological safety your team needs to succeed is to solicit feedback and listen with the intent to understand, not respond, when you get it. But that’s easier said than done. Stephen Shedletzky will walk you through exactly how to listen so your team will speak up and step up. Essential!”
“The ability to have a speak-up culture is a critical element for any high-performing team, especially when the stakes are high. Stephen Shedletzky not only highlights the importance of a speak-up culture, but he also lays out the elements, building blocks, and behaviors leaders need to build one.”
“Stephen Shedletzky reminds us that a speak-up culture exists only when all voices are included, valued, and heard. This is an important read for anyone committed to being a more inclusive leader.”
“Leaders who acknowledge and meet people in their emotional state have the agility to thrive in this uncertain and complex world. With his engaging, funny, and compelling style, Stephen Shedletzky guides us on how to make it safe and worth it for people to speak up.”
$24.95 CAD • $19.95 USD
Published October 3, 2023
Paperback, ebook, audiobook