Find Your Red Thread

Make Your Big Ideas Irresistible

Tamsen Webster

Make your idea irresistible.

You have a terrific idea. It’s so powerful that it could change a life, a market, or even the world. There’s just one problem: others don’t see its power—yet. If you truly value the possibility of your idea, then you’re ready to find your Red Thread—the throughline that connects your idea to your audience’s hearts and minds.

The best part is, the Red Thread already exists. It’s the connection that makes the invisible link between your audience’s problem and your solution tangible—and actionable. With the Red Thread, you’ll inspire audiences to act and get the outcome you’re both looking for.

Renowned speaker, consultant, and TEDx idea strategist Tamsen Webster shares the same step-by-step process she’s taught to hundreds of clients, helping them deliver memorable presentations, keynotes, marketing campaigns, TED talks, and more. Once you master this process, you’ll be able to guide your audience through the maze of ideas and options—and through the maze of their own minds.


“This is a foundational (and approachable) text on how to create change with empathy. Ideas worth spreading are the ones that engage us in the journey to make a difference.”

SETH GODIN author, This Is Marketing


Find Your Red Thread will help you decode and build the most persuasive arguments for change: the stories we tell ourselves.”

DANIEL H. PINK author, When, Drive, and To Sell Is Human


“You have a big idea in you. Tamsen’s terrific new book helps you (or your org, partners, colleagues, collaborators) frame that idea in such a way that others will adopt, embrace, internalize, love.”

ANN HANDLEY Wall Street Journal bestselling author; chief content officer, MarketingProfs


“Tamsen Webster is not only a master of the spoken and written word, but also has the much rarer gift of knowing how to turn a jumble of ideas into a compelling narrative that hits home. This book should be required reading for anyone that communicates for a living!”

ANDREW W. LO Charles E. and Susan T. Harris professor, MIT Sloan School of Management



“There’s often a gap between the potential you see in your ideas and what others hear. Find Your Red Thread is a practical approach to standing out in the marketplace and closing that gap.”

DORIE CLARK author of Reinventing You and executive education faculty, Duke University Fuqua School of Business


Find Your Red Thread offers a powerful set of tools not only to explain the nature of the work you’re here to do but also to build on that story in a way that draws the attention, interest, and action of others.”

JONATHAN FIELDS founder of Good Life Project®, Spark Endeavors, and creator of Sparketypes®


“Having a brilliant idea means nothing if nobody notices or cares. But once your ideas become impossible to resist, you can change the world. Find out how in Find your Red Thread.

SALLY HOGSHEAD New York Times bestselling author, Fascinate


Tamsen Webster has spent the last twenty years helping experts drive action from their ideas. Part message strategist, part storyteller, part English-to-English translator, her work focuses on how to find and build the stories partners, investors, clients, and customers will tell themselves—and others. Tamsen honed her expertise through work in and for major companies and organizations such as Johnson & Johnson, Harvard Medical School, and Intel, as well as with start-ups that represent the next wave of innovation in life science, biotech, climate tech, fintech, and pharma. For over seven years, she’s served as executive producer and idea strategist for one of the oldest locally organized TED talk events in the world (TEDxCambridge). Tamsen was a reluctant marathoner. . . twice; is a champion ballroom dancer (in her mind); and learned everything she knows about messages, people, and change as a Weight Watchers leader. True story.

ISBN 978-1-77458-052-3
$21.00 CAD $16.95 USD
Published May 17, 2021
5 x 8 222 Pages
Paperback, ebook