Black Sheep

Unleash the Extraordinary, Awe-Inspiring, Undiscovered You

Brant Menswar

A black sheep’s wool cannot be dyed.

A black sheep is 100 percent, authentically original. It cannot be influenced, changed or molded into something it isn’t by outside forces. In this powerful new book, author Brant Menswar shows you how to unleash your own black sheep—the five core values that make you who you are—to empower your life.

As a motivational speaker, podcast host and founder and CEO of Rock Star Impact, Brant has inspired thousands to tap into their full potential for success by aligning with their black sheep values. Now, in this high-octane, entertaining how-to guide, he delivers one-of-a-kind wisdom for living the amazing life you were always meant to lead. You will find out how to identify the non-negotiables that are at your core, to live with deliberate intention, and to practically manifest what matters most to you. You will discover what makes you an extraordinary original and how being uniquely yourself is a power you can set free for success, every day.


“Coming at you straight from the head and straight from the heart, this book will change the way you live your life.”

“For anyone who thinks they may just be winging it, Black Sheep will let you uncover your truth and show you what to do with it.”

“If you have the desire to dictate your own life story, then this practical and powerful read will certainly help you to achieve it.”

“Brant Menswar’s Black Sheep takes us on a journey to identify our non-negotiables, speak them into existence, and stop winging it when it comes to our life’s purpose. Through situational examples, crystal-clear messaging, and personal stories—both hilarious and heartbreaking—Brant lays out how YOU can live your black sheep values.”


“I’ve never had a way to actually visualize my core values . . . until now. I’ll be feeding my black sheep on a daily basis from this point forward.”

Black Sheep should come with a soundtrack, because I was bopping my head up and down in agreement as I read each page.”

“This is not, I repeat, not your typical ‘let’s figure out your values’ book! What Brant Menswar has put together is verging on genius.”

“I love being a black sheep. To find the extraordinary, you have to go to the edge. Brant Menswar is the perfect guide for you on this journey. Trust him. Read this book. Reap extraordinary results.”

“Brant Menswar is a world-class expert at helping people clarify their core values and live their ultimate purpose.”

“We all want to feel that we are living with deliberate intention, which makes Black Sheep a great read for those seeking their purpose and looking for help in finding it.”

“In this illuminating and compelling book, Brant Menswar delivers mic-dropping wisdom that will set you on a path to living with intention and purpose. Black Sheep takes you on a journey of defining your what, so you can live your why.”


Brant Menswar is one of the country’s “Top 10 Motivational Speakers,” a critically acclaimed author, a podcast host, an award-winning musician, and the CEO and founder of Rock Star Impact, a boutique agency that teaches people and organizations how to cultivate values-based leadership. His work as a partner with the consulting firm Banding People Together has changed what’s possible for industry-leading organizations like Netflix, Verizon, SunTrust, Microsoft, ESPN, Hilton and dozens more.

ISBN 978-1-989603-44-4
$29.95 CAD $24.95 USD
Published September 29, 2020
6 × 8 152 Pages
Hardcover, ebook, audiobook