The COVID-19 pandemic has upended just about every area of our lives around the globe: the way we work, the way we socialize, the way we seek entertainment, and the way we communicate with our friends and family. The Page Two team is no exception—we are now working as a remote team, using video conferencing, email, and messaging to stay connected with each other and our authors.
What hasn’t changed, however, is our overwhelming sense of gratitude and respect for the authors who choose to work with us. Over the course of the last few days we’ve been privileged to connect with many of our authors, and we’ve come away from these discussions feeling uplifted, optimistic, and so very proud.
Not only have our authors shown great resilience in the face of adversity—launching and supporting books in the midst of a global pandemic isn’t exactly how we had all envisioned the Spring publishing season—they’ve also stepped up to share their insights and leadership with others, at a time when it couldn’t be more welcome.
Here’s just a small sample of what a few Page Two authors have shared to help us all get through this unprecedented time:
- David Priemer, author of Sell the Way You Buy (April 2020) wrote a blog post about connecting with customers during times of adversity.
- Melanie Deziel, author of the just released The Content Fuel Framework, announced a March 19 “Content Fuel Happy Hour” to share insights on building content and fight social isolation.
- Jeremy Miller, author of Brand New Name, hosted a free webinar today on how to recession-proof your business.
- Phil M. Jones, author of Exactly What to Say, shared a Small Business Guide to Navigating a Global Epidemic.
- Michael Bungay Stanier, bestselling author of The Advice Trap and The Coaching Habit, is now offering his two-week video-based course, Future You Leadership, for free.
- Lee LeFever, author of Big Enough (May 2020) has run a home-based business for over a decade, and shared his thoughts about working through self-isolation—and how to hold a virtual movie night with friends.
- Jennifer Louden, author of Why Bother? Discover the Desire for What’s Next (May 2020) bravely shared her emotions and invited others to share their own.
As the days and weeks go by, we know that many will be turning to our authors for guidance and leadership over this period of uncertainty—and we are certain that they’ll deliver it.