We’re so happy to share the self-publishing success story of Page Two client Michael Bungay Stanier—recently published on Growthlab. Over 180,000 copies sold! It’s a story we’re truly honoured to be part of.
Here’s a snippet about Page Two’s “secret weapon” contribution. You can read the full story here.
It was Peter [Cocking] who introduced us to what would prove to be our secret weapon, Page Two Strategies. Jesse, Trena, and the team are veterans of the publishing trade, and they specialize in helping people self-publish as professionals. Their ideal client? Basically, me. Someone who has a book or two under their belt, who knows a bit about marketing and who wants the best of both worlds, traditional publishing and self-publishing.
Page Two took the lead on project management for the book’s production (a blessing, as I get quickly bored of the minutiae), as well as securing us our distribution partners in the United States (Greenleaf), Canada (Georgetown), and beyond. Distribution was to prove critical: that’s how your book gets beyond Amazon and into bookstores and, if you’re lucky, airports.
They found our final proof editor, Judy Phillips, who worried about the tiniest error in the text. They also introduced us to Carlyn at Post Hypnotic Press, who went on to produce and publish the audio version of the book (and which has been a surprise success for us: we’ve sold 30,000-plus audiobooks so far!).
To learn more about The Coaching Habit and Michael Bungay Stanier have a look here.