Please join us in welcoming one of the newest members of the Page Two team—our new office administrator—Jay Korporal! In her role as the office administrator, Jay will be responsible for coordinating team events and meetings, greeting office guests, and keeping this Page Two ship running smoothly!
Jay brings a background of office management and event coordination to her role as office administrator. Before joining the team at Page Two, Jay worked for five years in a curatorial and administrative role at the West Vancouver Art Museum, taking on a variety of projects and tasks related to exhibitions, publications, and events. She has a bachelor’s degree in Art History from the University of British Columbia and an associate’s certificate in Graphic Design from the British Columbia Institute of Technology.
Read on to learn more about Jay and her love of all things design.
Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your professional background?
My background is primarily in office management and event coordination! Before joining the team at Page Two, I worked in a curatorial and administrative role at the West Vancouver Art Museum, taking on a variety of projects and tasks related to exhibitions, publications, and events. I have a bachelor’s degree in art history from the UBC and an associate’s certificate in graphic design from the BCIT; I’m definitely driven by a love of art and design!
What excites you the most about your new role?
I’ll start with a bit of a non-sequitur and say that I got into art history originally because I loved the way that art functioned as a communal point of connection for people; it’s a way to share experiences and perspectives and to share not only the viewpoint of the artist with the viewer, but also for the viewer to have a shared experience with all of the other viewers of that piece of art. I find that working with books is the same; they are focal points of shared connections, from the author to the reader, and from the reader to all the other readers. I was so excited not just to be working directly with books in the publishing industry, but to have that firsthand experience of interacting with the authors, the consumers, and the amazing team members at Page Two who work on creating these books and those moments of shared experiences!
What was the last book that you recommended to a friend?
The last book I recommended was The Waves by Virgina Woolf (1931). The book has a strange lack of distinction between poetry and prose and the characters speak in soliloquy and monologue internally; it plays around with perspective and tenses as well in a very interesting way that can either isolate or draw the reader in. I’m not sure if I would fully recommend it to every person I know, but I think it would appeal to specific people!
What does an ideal Sunday look like to you?
Drinking a hot cup of coffee on the patio. If it’s raining, then I like to bring a fuzzy blanket out with me. Having the time to slowly wake up, get through that first cup of coffee, and watch all of the morning runners and bikers go by on the street tends to put me in a great mood for the rest of the day. It also makes me feel like I should probably get into running or biking at some point, but for the most part I like to sit and watch the world wake up with me.
What is something that you are looking forward to this fall?
Page Two’s 10th Anniversary Celebration in November! It’ll be my first time meeting some of our team members in person, as a portion of the team works remotely. It’ll be lovely to see them and get to celebrate all of the hard work that has gone into the growth and development of this company. I’m also really looking forward to this year’s Eastside Culture Crawl, which is a great way to get connected to local art and culture in Vancouver!